My friends,
It is with heavy hearts that must tell you that we are closing Uncommon ART.
Our last day will be Saturday, February 17th.
Until then, we continue to be open
Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 5pm
Sunday, 11am – 4pm.
Our building up for sale, making us uncertain about our future here: what will a new owner want to do with the building, how will our rent change? Rather than leave our future in someone else’s hands, we decided to set our own direction.
After much soul searching, we are ready to step back from being gallery owners and focus on making our own art.
The past 8 years have been wonderful, and last year was fantastic. As you can imagine, this is a difficult and bittersweet decision! We love Uncommon ART and being able to bring unique, unusual, thought-provoking art to you.
Please come support our artists, as you are so good at doing! If you’ve had your eye on something made by these talented folks, now’s the time to come get it.
THANK YOU for all your support!
Karen and Dana