Dana is our resident jewelry artist, creating gorgeous wearable art in silver, enamel, and chain maille.
Each piece begins with many feet of wire, often sterling silver but occasionally other metals. The wire is formed into coils around steel rods of various sizes, and then cut apart with a special saw. The result is a large amount of rings, ready for weaving.
Chain Maille is an ancient craft. You might remember it as armor worn during the Medieval Era, by Knights and Kings. Dana’s designs, however, appeal to the modern woman (or man) looking for something truly unique and original to wear.
Dana is one of the founders of Uncommon ART and her studio is on site.
Shop Dana’s jewelry designs at: https://uncommon-art-llc.square.site/shop/dana-giel-ray-bellabor-art-jewelry/5
To see more of her designs, visit www.bellabor.com/.